Evolving and maturing gracefully

09 December, 2005 | The Times of India

Mrs Rajashree Birla
The Times of India
9 December 2005

In today's challenging environment, accompanied by stress, there is undue emphasis on looking much younger than one's years. So maturing gracefully has to be a conscious effort. Age is in the mind. It is the spirit that counts. One can be 60, yet exuberant and young at heart.

Seven attributes in life - to Evolving and Maturing Gracefully are in the word PASSION. Passion is the fuel that lights the fire of life.

Mrs Rajashree BirlaP in Passion stands for purpose, meaning in life. Regardless of where we come from, we need to have a clearly defined sense of purpose. Setting measurable goals on what you deeply care about is worthwhile. To accomplish what matters is important. It gives one a great sense of self esteem, the confidence to mature gracefully.

A in Passion stands for acceptance. Accepting yourself unconditionally, believing in yourself. People tick themselves off because they have not measured up to their image of themselves. If it is not want of effort, it's not important. Remember one cannot be a winner every time.

Look upon whatever one does, not as a job, but as a hobby. When one takes that line, it gives us two essential vitamins for maturing consistency and fun. Enjoying the process makes the task meaningful. For he who does not enjoy the journey, can never reach the destination. As the Gita says: Perform your duty equipoised, abandoning all attachments to success or failure being a Karmayogi.

The two SS in Passion epitomize, firstly being sensitive to others, be it family or friends, being supportive, forming a beautiful, warm network where people matter to you and you matter to them. The second S is sharing your joys, your challenges with your near and dear ones, your friends. A close and loving relationship is essential in our evolution.

I in Passion is the inclination to continuously discover and rediscover oneself, to look at the inner soul, to go beyond superficialities. It is a journey to a higher stratosphere, characterised by great humility and character and the need to transcend beyond oneself.

As William Penn wrote: I expect to pass through life but once. If there be any kindness I show, let me do it now, as I shall not pass this way again.
O in Passion stands for OM - or spirituality. To put it very simply, it is meditation of the highest order. Its appeal lies in simplicity and its undoubted benefits. It quietens the chatter of the mind, and removes intrusive thoughts.

Meditation expands the brain function by encouraging a balance between the left side which is the logical and rational, scientific thought and the right side, which is the creative and imaginative one.

The most productive and fulfilled people are usually those with wonderful balance between the right and the left brain.

Dr Sarala BirlaN in Passion is for negation of negativity, as it is self-defeating. Minus N in life is to be always positive. Focus on hope, not fears. Use time, ingenuity and imagination when faced with challenges. Convert these into opportunities.

When you exude optimism and good cheer, it comes back for: Laugh and the world laughs with you. I have found in Ma, my mother-in-law, Dr Sarala Birla, an inspirational role model, who has demonstrated through these 40 years of our life together on how to mature gracefully.

The writer is the Chairperson of The Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development